

Abstract submission for presenting a paper at the symposium will be made online at  

The abstract submission deadline is March 5, 2025.

Abstract Preparation Rules

  • Abstracts should be in Turkish, Russian, or English. 

  • All abstracts should not exceed 250 words, excluding the title and author's name and surname.

  • The abstract text should be written as a single paragraph without paragraph indentation. References should not be used in the abstract text.

  • The abstract should include the aim, method, findings, discussion, and at least three keywords.

  • The name and surname of the author(s) should be placed under the title of the abstract, centering the main title. The surname should be written in capital letters. At the end of the surname, the author's information (title, institutional information, contact information, and ORCID numbers) should be written as a footnote with an upper asterisk (*), in Times New Roman, justified on both sides of the page and only on the first page, in 10 font size and 1 space. 

  • In Abstract/Abstract titles, all letters should be capitalized, centered, and 12-point font and plain/bold font should be used. Abstract/Abstract texts and Keywords/Keywords should be written in plain font, 11 pt and 1.5 line spacing.

  • Expressions such as newspaper, book and journal names quoted in the text should be italicized.

Paper Presentation Rules

Oral presentations should be made in Turkish, Russian or English.Oral presentations should be made in the language in which the paper is written.The oral presentation time is 15 minutes.Oral presentations will be made face-to-face.

Full Paper Preparation Rules

Full papers should be maximum 7500 words and adhere to the Chicago Manual of Style. Full papers should be submitted to in Microsoft Word format by August 1, 2025. Papers that pass the referee evaluation will be published as an editorial by an international publishing house in 2025.